Monday, July 2, 2012

Camino - Trip Home

It was strange to be driving back across Spain, most of the way, passing the towns and landscape we had walked through over the last 4 weeks. What has taken us a month to do on foot, took us a day by car.
For the first time on our voyage we saw a Sunset. This struck us as particularly odd, as we had seen so many sunrises, but were in bed before dark.
Symbolically it seems appropriate that as the Sun was setting on the last day of our time in Spain, having crossed the country from east to west on foot, now hurtling in the other direction at 100 kph with the aid of the internal combustion engine, we watch the last golden rays of fire light up the mountains of the Pyranees. These same peaks which we faced at the beginning of our trek - fresh faced, intrepid and no clue what lay ahead.
In hindsight, we might suspect that we were watched over and kept safe by the millions that have travelled the same path over the centuries. Our way was not easy, but help was always at hand when needed. The human spirit was always evident, and prevailed in all we met, from every nation, creed, and background. We learnt a great deal about the basic goodness, and natural generosity of man when operating in simplicity. Cynicism and complexity only seemed to enter into our lives when time and planning were forced upon us.
Our return journey was just such an occasion where we have been thrown head first back into what now seems like a strange reality.
It may take us a little time to adjust - everything seems such a rush, and incredibly expensive. A bed for the night is 50 euros, rather than 5. Transport from A to B now costs money. And worst of all not only are starters the same price as what used to be for a whole meal, but we now are expected to pay for Alcohol as an extra.
What is the world coming to!

Please remember to sponsor us for our completed walk of 500 miles for our chosen charity - Rowcroft Hospice.

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