Saturday, June 30, 2012

Camino - Brand Blue Day

The last 20 km into Santiago took forever. We seemed to be deliberately taking our time.
Our arrival and official stamping and 'Compostela' certificate didn't really register until much later in the day.
We have been walking every day for a month, sometimes for as long as 12 hours at a time.
We have met folk from all over the world. All strangely on a similar but very different journey than ourselves.
We smile in recollection at the Englishman who had invested in an expensive brand name sleeping bag for the trip, only to be rewarded with being dyed blue due to the humidity. The dye, although easy to be released from the material took 3 days to come off the skin. Alas this happened several times on his trip, and due to the heat he slept in the nude!
It comes to something when one goes to bed an Englishman, but wakes up a Smurf!

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