Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Camino Blur - Time & Date Unknown

Everything has become dependant on our body. Time really has become meaningless as we walk while we can walk, and stop when either our feet or knees or the weather says otherwise.
The very concept of time changes on our level of tiredness - 5 or 10 miles can fly by or a single one can drag on for what seems like hours and sometimes can indeed be hours as the last few hundred yards can litter be shuffling or limping.
It is worth mentioning at this point that Bowen Therapy has come in very handy on several occasions so far on this trip for ourselves and a couple of fellow pilgrims. It continues to surprise me the body, even when weary, can make significant changes to bring itself back to a state of equilibrium in a matter of minutes. This happened yesterday when we had the misfortune to arrive late at a village and the Albergue was full, and the Albergue in the following village was also full, so we had another 3 miles to walk to the next one. In all we ended up walking an extra 5 miles on top of the 14 we had already done. Sally's feet were in real pain already so I gave her a quick Bowen treatment while seated at a picnic table - just a knee & ankle procedure. Within a few yards she was almost clipping along - still weary physically but walking more balanced an in far less pain.

We arrived in Burgos today, and finally we are impressed with what Spain has to offer. The architecture is truly awe inspiring almost everywhere we look. Although a city it has an air of peacefulness which is refreshing from the frantic busyness of Logrono.


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