Thursday, June 21, 2012

Camino - A bed for the night

It is perhaps time to mention the accommodation available to the average 'Perigrino'. We have almost always made use of the Camino Albergues which are only available to Pilgrims (special Camino passport needed for trip). A night stay ranges from 5 - 10 Euros per bunk. These places a not dissimilar to Youth Hostels. Initially we were a little reticent at the idea of bunking in a room with possibly 30 or more folk in one room. Surprisingly apart from 2 exceptions (so far) these albergues are spotless and provide more than adequately for the weary traveller. And to be honest the service and general convivial atmosphere of these places is considerably better than many 'low budget' motels/hotels we have stay in, in the UK & Europe that charge significantly more.
The fly in the ointment can be when one is in a room with one or more snorers. Armed with earplugs this problem can be reduced somewhat. However yesterday we had the double misfortune of entering a village with only one place to stay, it was raining, and our bodies refusing to go any further. Sadly this particular Albergue was, shall we say, tatty and unkempt. The outdoor loos had no seats or paper, and we decided not to venture into the outdoor showers for fear of coming out less clean than when we went in! The room was not really large enough to swing a cat, yet it had 6 bunk beds crammed in. However one could argue that for 6 euros each we shouldn't complain, and beggars can't be choosers. Weary and a little disgruntled we made an early night. Alas we were later blessed with a snorer of the first magnitude that managed to penetrate through earplugs and vibrate through the somewhat thin mattress.
We arose grumpy and still very tired.
Yet the world has this rather marvellous way on balancing things up a little.
We had completed our ascent to Astorga with just a few miles to go. We planned to stop at the top for a break. There before us was splendid little shack/bar unattended laiden with the most fantastic array of organic nibbles, teas, muesli, and hot coffee dispensers. Plus an array of juices and a variety of milks, ranging from cows milk to soy, rice or nut milks. All this, set out just for Pilgrims, with a sign saying 'self service' and a little honesty box at one side. We were truly honoured and humbled by the generosity of whomever had decided to create this marvellous oasis for those on their way to Santiago.

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