Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bowen Therapy and the Million Dollar Question

The question that so many people ask is "How does Bowen Therapy work?"

In order to help us answer this question, and to help clients (as well as Therapists) get a better idea of what is happening to the body during a treatment of Bowen Technique; I have attached a short video of the Principal of the European College of Bowen Studies, Julian Baker describing in straightforward terms what goes on following a 'Bowen Move' and why such a gentle rolling type move can have such profound effects on the body's ability to heal.

Watch and Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It's Official! Bowen Therapy & Hamstrings

R E S E A R C H    A B S T R A C T

Effects of The Bowen Technique on Flexibility Levels:
Implications for Fascial Plasticity
Michelle Marr, MSc BSc (Hons) PgCertEd MCSP
Chartered Physiotherapist and External Lecturer for Coventry University

Nicky Lambon, MA MCSP SRP DipTP
Principal Lecturer and Programme Manager at Coventry University, UK

Julian Baker, Director of The European College of Bowen Studies
Corsley Centre, Wiltshire BA12 7QF 
Phone: 01373 832340

BACKGROUND:   Hamstring strains are the most common sport-related injury in the lower limb, with high recurrence rates and lengthy recovery periods. Causal links between lack of flexibility and development of muscle strain injury are frequently reported. The financial implication of treating such injuries provides a continual drive to deliver more effective, evidence-based treatment.  Since 1994, a complementary therapy called ‘The Bowen Technique’ has been used to treat inflexibility and many other conditions. The technique provides gentle rolling moves over fascial interfaces without heating, stretching or specific joint mobilisation. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the Bowen technique, on the hamstring flexibility of healthy subjects, over time.

METHOD: A single-blinded, longitudinal, RCT was performed on 116 male and female volunteers. Participants were randomly allocated into a control group or Bowen intervention group. Three hamstring flexibility measurements were taken from each subject over one week, using an active knee extension test and an electrogoniometer. An independent assessor verified the

RESULTS: Data were analysed using independent t-tests. Significant increases in hamstring flexibility were demonstrated in the Bowen group immediately post-test (p<0.0005). These increases maintained for one week (p<0.0005) without further treatment.

CONCLUSION: A single treatment of the Bowen technique significantly increases the flexibility of the hamstring muscles in healthy subjects and maintains this increase for a period of one week in the absence of tissue heating, stretching, or specific joint mobilisation. Previous quantitative research has reported sustained flexibility increases for a maximum of twenty-four hours. This study has provided new information relating to the subject of flexibility. The superficial and gentle nature of the Bowen Technique invalidates explanations of tissue creep yet provides implications for plasticity following proprioceptive stimulation along the thoracolumbar and lumboeplvic myofascial slings. Further research is required into such proprioceptive mechanisms in relation to manual therapy techniques.
January 2008

This research was published in the Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies in July 2011.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A New look at Anatomy: The Cutting Edge - Exeter 7th March £25

This is going to be a one off special.
I must be insane, as I am going to be holding my signature 1 Day seminar 'A New look at anatomy: The Cutting Edge of Fight or Flight, Fat & Fascia' which is an FHT Accredited CPD course for an unbelievable £25!!!

There are so many Therapists out there who just can't afford the ever increasing CPD requirements, yet it is vital that they do so with growing regulation. So I am giving everyone the chance to learn something spectacular, new and exciting in the world of Human Anatomy.

For those of you who have not attended before, my presentation are informative, visually entertaining, and most of all FUN.

It all happens on Wednesday, 7th March at the Holmedale Health Centre. We start at 9.30am and aim to finish around 4.30pm.

I look forward to see you there.