Thursday, September 30, 2010

Outside the Comfort Zone

Greeting All. Have just come back from two days of mind blowing training by the ever astounding Chris Astill-Smith of 'Metabollics'. What this guy doesn't know about Human Biochemistry probably isn't worth knowing. His approach is to apply this incredible knowledge into useful and practical application within the medical world. He classifies himself as a 'Functional Biochemist' and uses his expertise in Applied Kineisiology and structural manipulation to further to add to his amazing ability to track down the sources of the various ailments the body suffers from - sometimes this may be biochemical or nutritional, other times it may be neurological or mechanical. Needless to say he gets results. The teaching courses he delivers are still in my opinion some of the best delivered in our industry. It is never the same old stuff, and each time I am well outside my comfort zone, which pushes my learning ability.
You may ask what a Bowen Therapist is doing learning about Biochemistry. Personally I think the better educated and the more I can learn about how the body heals, or indeed what makes it go wrong, the better I become as a practitioner.


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