Monday, August 27, 2012

Bowen Technique Competition in Totnes

I was at the Totnes show yesterday, and thankfully the rain held off for most of it. It was pretty muddy, but a good time was had by all - including myself who perhaps maybe shouldn't have had quite so many fresh and tasty, rather too hot for my mouth Donuts!
However I digress. Over the Tanoy I heard that there was a competition of Bowen Technique taking place in one of the marquee tents - so i suddenly got quite excited, puzzled and at the same time a little miffed that I had somehow missed out on a Bowen Technique 'competition' quite literally in my own back yard (I live next to the show ground).
The competition was thrilling I have to say, with plenty of spectators. 4 competitors in each round. The bell rang and the 'patients' came out of the stalls to be 'treated'.
I was staggered at the skill and speed at which these 'Bowen Technique Practitioners' were working.
There were inspectors at each station making sure all the movements were correct and that nothing was being missed.
The commentator was whipping up the excitement giving a blow by blow account of who was in the lead.
The first to finish got a round of applause, as the others fought for semi finalist positions.
Agog I looked on and realised that no way could i have competed with these muscle bound masters of the Bowen Technique.
However in my clinic I do not at any point use shears, or indeed any sharpened implement when treating my patients.
I also only treat Humans, whereas these chaps worked on Sheep!
It would appear that there is a particular way of removing wool efficiently from sheep known as the 'Bowen Technique' which also came from Australia.
Just remember that when you are in search of Bowen Technique for your Bad Back or Neck Pain, make sure it's the right type of Practitioner - or you might get a nasty surprise!