Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Water of Life!

A belated happy new year to you all for 2009.
Bowen Technique has gained considerable ground since I began almost 5 years ago. When I started most people on hearing of the therapy would say 'Bowen What?'. Now mainly due to Julian Baker's hard work at the European College, coupled with significant research projects both in the UK and USA, Tom Bowen's legacy is making its mark with the medical community and getting considerable press coverage.
With all this, I am continually reminded that a good percentage of patients I see would probably not have the problems they are presenting if they simply drank water 'little & often' every day.
In fact part of the process of the Bowen Technique treatment is that the patient need keep themselves correctly hydrated between sessions.
Somehow we seem to forget than we are, as humans, reckoned to be around 75% water, but we refrain from supplying it with a good source of the stuff - and NO, regardless of what anyone says, coffee does not count.
Get the basics right first, it then makes the chances of the rest getting better much quicker.

